Sunday, August 9, 2015

Make Learning Moments out of Everyday Activities!

Many people think that to get their child ready for preschool or kindergarten, they need to do flash cards, workbooks, recite the alphabet over and over, etc. Instead of those things try some other, more 'fun' activities, that while doing your child won't even know they are learning!

1) Sort colored goldfish into piles by color.
2) Cut up magazines and let your child tell a story using the pictures.
3) Bake cookies, talk about measuring, how many ingredients are needed, etc.
4) While playing catch with a ball, ask your child to find other things in your house that are the same shape. You can do this with any object!
5) While reading a story ask your child to think of rhyming words to go with words that are being read in the book.
6) Use cool whip or pudding to practice writing their name in, or even the first letter of their name.
7) Use fruit loops and a pipe cleaner and make a pattern.
8) While eating trail mix or chex mix, sort items into like piles.
9) Sort their stuffed animals by size.
10) Count how many steps you have in your house together as you go upstairs.
11)  Match socks together.

This list could go on forever. Those everyday things that you do that might take a few extra minutes if your child wants to help, let them! Remember, you are your child's first and most important teacher.

Written by Nicole Elliott, Early Intervention Teacher, ICISD

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