Monday, February 29, 2016

Why is play important for young children?

As a preschool teacher working in a play-based preschool program, I get asked this question all 
the time.  Play is critical to children’s learning especially when they are young.  It is how they discover and learn about the world; develop creativity, as well as language and motor skills.   

In my classroom, the environment is divided in to many areas that children can direct their own learning through play.  In the sand and water table they learn about measurement, in the block area they are learning about geometry in the art center they discover colors, cutting and how to write their name on their papers.  In the house area they will often play what they know,  “acting out” familiar scenes from home; for example playing in the house center may involve cooking food for a family, going to work,  taking care of the kids, they assign different roles such that someone is the mom, dad, baby, sister, brother, dog, etc.  

Play is indeed not a frivolous activity to be done after the “work” is done, when it comes to young children play is their work and it is essential for children to learn. Please take a minute to read the article about the importance of play that Karen Bilich wrote for Parents magazine. 

This post was contributed by Angie Guernsey, Ionia ISD GSRP teacher assigned to Saranac Community Schools.

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