Sunday, November 15, 2015

Make Reading Fun For Kids

Do you love to read? Can you curl up in your bed for hours and get lost in a good story?  Do you ever think about how you got there?  Have you always loved to read?  Were you the best reader in your grade?  No?? Well, don’t worry, neither was I!  I learned to love reading after I was no longer made to read!  Now, in my busy life, I would give anything to tune out the world and dive into a good book, but my children are now my priority.  My pleasure reading consists of a few minutes at night after the kids are in bed.  Some nights I get to read longer than others, depending on how long I can keep my eyes open!  As a book lover, I wanted to teach my kids to love books as well but that wasn’t as easy as it sounds!  I started young, while my kids were small enough that they couldn’t escape my lap on their own.  This helped develop a love for reading early on; however, once those munchkins could move it was hard to keep their attention. Sometimes all they wanted to do was turn the pages.  Sound familiar?  Do you have any ideas on how I got past this stage?  Take a look at this great video by Learn with Adrienne .  She makes reading fun and interactive, and it really does work for young children!  Don’t worry about reading the words on each page, YET!  Get them interested and engaged, teach silly sounds, words, and actions, and watch their attention span grow right before your eyes!

This blog entry was shared by Dana Lepien. Dana is a Speech-Language Pathologist with the Early On Program in Ionia County. She is also a mother of three busy, book-loving little girls!

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